Commuting from Okotoks to Calgary
Okotoks is located just 18 km south of the Calgary city limits and 64 km from the Calgary airport. Many residents in Okotoks make the daily commute into Calgary either by car or by public transportation.
Commuting to Calgary by Car
If you have your own vehicle, it will only take about 15 minutes to reach the southern tip of Calgary as long as the road conditions are good. Commuters can visit to find out what the road conditions are through the traffic advisories. This site allows residents to make the best travel decisions based on any major delays or roadwork.
Commuting with Public Transportation
Southland Transportation offers commuter service every week day into and from downtown Calgary. The ride is comfortable with new coaches and the travel to the downtown core is direct. On board you'll find washrooms, free Wi-Fi and you’ll be able to reserve your seats if you purchase a monthly pass.
You can also travel into Calgary with Greyhound bus services but for the average 9-to-5 worker the travel times just aren't going to work out. Plus, it's a lot more expensive and monthly passes aren't offered through this bus system.
Carpooling into Calgary
Carpooling from Okotoks into Calgary makes a lot of sense financially and environmentally. There will be less money spent on parking fees and gas and it may turn out to be cheaper than using the public transportation available. If you can get 3 or 4 people together to carpool regularly, the savings can be quite substantial.
If you are new to Okotoks and haven't been able to set up your own carpooling, there is a website that helps to match up potential riders to drivers. This site is available at The services are offered to commuters in partnership with post-secondary institutions, employers and regional governments. The program itself is managed, updated and hosted by Commuters don't have to pay a fee to use this service.
Whether you are driving in with your own vehicle, carpooling or using public transportation, you'll usually find that the roads are clear and the drive is steady all the way through to the city. You won't have to worry about the major traffic tie-ups that Calgary drivers have to face during rush hours. Even if it takes longer to get to work from Okotoks, you won't have to deal with the frustration of excessive stop-and-go traffic.
Commuting from Okotoks to Calgary is painless and easy once you've done it a couple of times. For many people, the ride from Okotoks into the big city takes less time than traveling from one end of Calgary to the other to get to work.
Want to move to Okotoks? Contact Justin Havre Real Estate Team today to learn more about life & real estate in Okotoks, AB!