November 2017

Found 2 blog entries for November 2017.

Single Family Home or Condo? A Guide For Home BuyersLife in a single family home is far different from life in a condo. For people who are thinking about buying property and aren't sure which type of home to buy, knowing the major differences between these two types of properties can help.

Condos: Pros and Cons

Condos are similar to apartments in terms of layout and design. Like apartments, condos are often housed in large buildings that have been divided into individual units. The difference between a condo and an apartment is that the condo is owned by the individual, not by the landlord. People who own condos are responsible for maintaining the inside of their condo, but are not responsible for exterior maintenance. In other words, if the furnace breaks down, the owner is responsible for

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Basic Home Buying: Your Guide to Making a PurchaseThere are a number of great homes throughout Canada, and when it is time for a buyer to start looking for a house there are several steps that need to be taken before putting in an offer. First, determining whether a house is the right choice is very valuable. Not everyone wants to own a home, and some people prefer to rent.

Before buying a home, there are also credit and financial issues that should be addressed. Until all of the main concerns have been handled, buying a home may be something that should wait. Working through the process can help any buyer be prepared and get the right home for their needs.

Determine if Home Ownership is the Right Choice

When I buyer is ready to purchase a home, they should consider all of the

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