June 2018

Found 2 blog entries for June 2018.

How to Downsize a Home Without the StressEfforts to live a more minimalist way of life have become popular amid a more consumer-conscious society. What better time to embrace personal decluttering efforts than when selling a home and downsizing for a move to a new home? Here are a few stress-busting downsizing tips to streamline the moving experience while making a commitment towards a simpler lifestyle.

Digitize Documents, Media and Photos

One typically does not realize just how many CDs, videos, pictures and documents are accumulated over the years until packing for an impending move. While keeping hard copies of vital records is necessary, many of these other space-takers can be digitized and preserved eternally. Digitizing personal documents and photographs and uploading them to

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What to Know About Buying a New Construction HomeAs housing demand rising in different areas of Canada, new construction homes continue to be of interest to potential homeowners. In fact, an estimated 25 per cent of Canadian homes bought every year are new construction. There are many benefits of new construction, including higher standards of construction and improved energy efficiency. What should homeowners who are interested in new construction know?

Know When You May Need to Pay More

Many people appreciate buying a move-in ready home customized to their needs. However, this may come at a higher price than buying an existing property. Those willing to lay out extra can get the custom molding, luxe finishes and extra touches they want before moving in. However a potential homeowner

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