July 2019

Found 2 blog entries for July 2019.

Buying Land in CanadaThere are many reasons to buy land in Canada. Some are looking for acreage for a farm or ranching. Others need a parcel for residential or recreational purposes. Depending on the area, it may be important to review specific rules and bylaws that apply to a province or territory. However, it is possible to invest in land in Canada using a few important considerations. And buying land is not the same as buying a home.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed real estate professional before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

Are You Interested in Rural Land?

Some may be looking for significant space to set up a homestead or to ranch. There are differences between buying land in a major city or in a large open

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Boost interior home comfort by adding addition insulation.Providing shelter from the storm is more than just a catchy phrase when it comes to enjoying the benefits of a Westridge CA home and hearth. But if your home is drafty in the winter or overly warm during the summer months, it might benefit from additional insulation. It's entirely possible to boost the R-rating of attic and wall insulation. Additional benefits are a higher comfort quotient and lower utility bills. Older homes typically had less insulation in walls and attics than is required under current building codes, but modern options can remedy that situation.

Adding Wall Insulation

The ideal time to add insulation is during a renovation project on an older home. If there are already walls and ceilings open as part of a home addition,

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