April 2019

Found 2 blog entries for April 2019.

How To Winterize Your HomeIt’s no secret that winter can do a lot of damage to everything it touches—just look at the potholes that form in roads thanks to the constant cycle of freezing and thawing. While potholes aren’t an issue inside homes, winter can still cause a lot of damage to them. Before winter arrives or before you put a home up for a fast sale, homeowners can take steps to winterize their homes so they’re better prepared for the cold weather. Here are some easy ways homeowners can help protect their homes during the harsh winter months.

1.  Insulate Pipes to Prevent Cracking

In extremely cold temperatures, it’s possible for even metal pipes to break, and that can spell disaster for a home. To help prevent pipes from breaking in the cold weather, homeowners

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How Credit Scores Relate to MortgagesBuying a home for the first time is typically the biggest expenditure in a person's life thus far. It's a huge commitment, and lenders want to be sure that borrowers are up to the task of paying off their loans. Credit scores and credit history are the way that banks can figure out which home buyers are likely to make good on mortgage payments and which are more of a risk. Cultivating a positive credit score is the way for a buyer to communicate that they are ready for the task of buying a home.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed mortgage professional before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

How Credit Scores Affect Home Buying

A good credit score can make or break a person's ability to buy a home.

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