Buying A Home? This Moving Timeline Can Help

Posted by Justin Havre Real Estate Team on Friday, November 16th, 2018 at 7:55am.

Moving Timeline When Buying A HomeBuying a home is a time consuming process. Buyers who budget their time wisely and who plan in advance can have a less stressful experience when the time comes to buy a home.

One Year In Advance: Declutter

Clutter makes moving difficult and expensive. Getting rid of clutter before buying a house can making moving easier. De-cluttering takes a long time, so buyers who know they want to purchase a house in the coming year should start a year in advance. De-cluttering is best done throughout the course of a year, because it's easier to de-clutter when the process isn't rushed.

Six Months In Advance: Begin To Pack

Packing is another time consuming process, so it's smart to begin packing six months in advance of moving. This gives buyers the time to pack carefully and thoroughly, so that they'll be fully ready to move when the time comes. When packing, it's important to use bubble wrap and other packing materials to keep possessions safe. 

When Entering Escrow: Book Movers

Movers can book up quickly in spring and summer. Home buyers who want to use a popular moving company should book their movers as soon as they enter the escrow period.

Buyers should make it clear to their moving company that the timeline may change depending on the home buying process. If the buyer negotiates repairs from the seller, of the buying process hits a snag before the home is fully purchased, this could bump the move-in date to a later time. Buyers should make themselves aware of the mover's policies regarding date changes, so they can be fully prepared if the move-in date is delayed.

One Month In Advance: Focus on Buying A Home

Buyers who start packing months in advance of moving should be able to spend the escrow period focusing on the purchase of the home. There's a lot that needs to be done during this time, including getting a home inspection, finding homeowners insurance and other details. With most of the packing done, it's easier to worry focus attention on the home buying process.

For more information about moving and buying a Crystal Shores home, talk to your real estate professional. Your real estate agent can give you information that can help make the moving process easier and less stressful.

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